Sunday, April 26, 2009


ternyata ngeblog pake bahasa Indo seru juga ya. selama ini kan w selalu pake english soalnya nurut w, pake english lbh praktis n lbh mudah dimengerti. cthnya, kl mo bilang "always in my mind..." nah kl di Indo-kan kira-kira kan jadi "selalu ada di benakku" ato "selalu ada di otakku" rasanya aneh n terlalu puitis yah kata-katanya padahal mmg itu seh yg kita maksud. yah btw, forget bout what language im using, as long as i can share something with you. I just have my hair cut yesterday. actually only my bangs. jadinya poni begok yg agak2 miring gitu and of course done by Mr. BOWO. hahaha.. he is so nice. friendly+good looking is what i meant by NICE. =)

I think I almost finish my Interior Design program at EI School. Today I have the PROMOTION AND ENTERPRENEURSHIP Class by Mr. Jun Cai. I like the way he teach us how to sell our products. No no no, he is not teaching actually. He just share his experiences with us. He is so creative in doing promotions and a WOW is what I described him into. He is a 46-married-man but he looks like “anak gaul yang bener-bener gaul and smart”. And i just know that DOCTORs and LAWYERs in Indonesia may not do any promotion such as put an advertisement. the papan nama that they hang in front of their working-building must be white in color and the text must be black in color.

The week before, I had the PERSONALITY Class by Mr. Kho Phei Yung aka TJ. He gave us a simple quiz to test our personality. The result of the test is, I am categorized into MELANCHOLIC – PLEGMATIC. I love everything to be perfect and I always plan my works before i start to work. For me, ada baiknya kalo dah tau apa personality kita. Jadi ceritanya personality itu dibagi atas 4 such as:
1. Sanguine aka Sanguinis
Org yg pembawaanya rame mulu contohnya aja para presenter di TV such as Olga and Okky Lukman.
2. Choleric aka Koleris
Org yg patut banget jadi leader and sure presiden mesti kudu harus termasuk didalam kategori ini.
3. Melancholic aka Melankolis
Org yg perfeksionis and want everything happened as planned. Nah ini dia orang orang yang sering banget stress and sakit.
4. Phlegmatic aka Plegmatis
Org yg serba slow motion and love peace banget deh. Contoh konkretnya adalah ADI SUDARMO. *please click his name*

Theoretically, designer itu mesti masuk ke kategori melankolis soalnya designer tuh mesti teliti, sabar and perfeksionis. But for me, everybody can be whatever he wants as long as he has the commitment. Nah, komitmen. Btw, apa seh itu artinya KOMITMEN. Banyak org yg ga ngerti arti kata ini. Dan kata ini sebenarnya sama dengan kata CINTA. Sesuatu yg susah utk dijelaskan tapi dia mutlak ada dan penting banget. Kalo menurut w, komitmen itu adlh sebuah bentuk janji, tanggung jawab dan niat. Komitmen akan mengubah semua yg dari kata Impossible menjadi Possible. Dan kata ini juga sama dengan kata cinta. Sama-sama dibutuhkan dalam sebuah relationship. Relationship yang sehat itu gak akan ada tanpa cinta n komitmen. Do you agree???

Then nurut w, ada baeknya juga kita mengerti sedikit ttg personality. Jadinya kita bisa beradaptasi dengan klien yang bakalan kita temuin nantinya. Cthnya, kalo kita ketemu ma klien yg Koleris, kita kudu mesti wajib berubah jadi org yg Melankolis and jangan pernah menjadi Plegmatis. Trus kalo untuk cari pasangan sehidup semati alias soulmate, org yg Melankolis akan sangat cocok dgn org yg Sanguinis. So, for the Sanguine-single-keren-guy, please raise up your hand…….

After class, I go to Tea Garden to have tea time with Adi and Seboi. Only the 3 of us, since Adi is slowly killed by the boredom. After tea timing, we go to Deli Plaza. Long long time ago since the last time we go there. Its one of my dating place with my ex few years ago. Im just like flashback to years before. but it’s a bit different now. The building is under construction and it has a Lapangan Futsal inside. The first time I visit the Lapangan Futsal. Hahaha. Nothing to do at Deli Plaza so we go to KEDAI CHOCOLATE to have our dinner. I ordered the King Lemon of Freeze. Ohhh….. it tasted very extremely good and unique.. =)

I reached home quite early today. Its before 10 coz i wanna watch RCTI. No need to ask what is on RCTI then. Of course there will be my avid, Yovie and Nuno. They are there with 3 songs. Bunga Jiwaku, Seperti Bintang (Menanti Jawabanmu) and Bunda (feat. Afgan, Alexa, Hijau Daun and J-Rocks)…

pemenang AMI AWARDS ke-12...


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