Saturday, April 18, 2009


I supposed to go to Mie Sop BLITAR today. But becoz I still have a little problem with my lovely tummy, I cancelled it. Then he said he wanna go to Binjai. WHAT!!! Its almost 6 when he arrived my home. What to do at Binjai then?? Then he suddenly said, “Titipapan loh…” wahhh…. I want! Then I call Adi (his home is there) and tell him that we will arrive in 15 minutes. I said I wanna give him Hello Kitty-portable-mobile-charger.

this is it, i steal the pic from

Hahaha.. then at his home, I show him how to use it. Its so easy to use and useful. Just put in an AA battery into the charger and we can charge our mobile phone anytime anywhere. It can be used for Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Blackberry, and 1 more I dunno what type is that. It’s really useful and doesn’t cost much. At least not more than Rp. 50.000,-

Ohya, talking about Blackberry, yesterday I heard that a Balinese girl who studied at Jakarta died when she is playing her BB. She is driving in the highway and carelessly crushed the superbig truck. So pity… I really suggest everyone, please do not use your mobile phone when you are driving!!! Its really unsafe. Then I have another story bout BB fever, but this is funny story. My boss got a guest from Jakarta. He is our Distributor Area Manager. He has to go back to Jakarta this noon and he asked me to buy him bolu gulung MERANTI. He give me the to-buy-list. I read it one by one and I really LOL! He wrote: 3 BLACKBERRY, 2 keju, 3 nenas, 2 bika ambon…

Go back to my very first story. While I was showing Adi how to use the charger, Seboi suddenly said “Belawan yok….” Ahhh… great idea!!! Hahaha. So the 3 of us (me, Adi and Seboi) go to Belawan. *Adjo doesnt join us coz he go to somewhereelse with his friends* Its not really far from Adi’s house. This time we really have a story of LOST IN BELAWAN. yap, the real LOST i mean. hahaha.  we are planning to have dinner at MARINA restaurant. We asked lots of people before we reached there. We asked Tukang Jual Solar liter-an, Orang Mabuk, Tukang Sate, dll dsb. We also get into kampung-kampung filled with lots of “orang-orang aneh”. My heart beats so fast. deg deg deg deg deg deg deg and deg...

Finally we find the restaurant we mean! after we keliling-keliling and get lost for some minutes. we order the delicious yet expensive menu. yes, Marina is famous with the taste and the PRICE. we have the soup, prawn, Fu Yung Hai with big big mushrooms and jellyfish. yummy... 

this is what the 3 of us eat and pay! just click the pic to get it bigger...

Last but not least, is there is a question for: Belawan vs Binjai, i vote for BINJAI of course. =)


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