Thursday, April 30, 2009

my condolences to OP....

I send my deepest Condolences to Opung Olo Panggabean (68), the God Father of Sumatera Utara...
its raining very heavily outside right now...
maybe the sky is crying for him...

Sunday, April 26, 2009


ternyata ngeblog pake bahasa Indo seru juga ya. selama ini kan w selalu pake english soalnya nurut w, pake english lbh praktis n lbh mudah dimengerti. cthnya, kl mo bilang "always in my mind..." nah kl di Indo-kan kira-kira kan jadi "selalu ada di benakku" ato "selalu ada di otakku" rasanya aneh n terlalu puitis yah kata-katanya padahal mmg itu seh yg kita maksud. yah btw, forget bout what language im using, as long as i can share something with you. I just have my hair cut yesterday. actually only my bangs. jadinya poni begok yg agak2 miring gitu and of course done by Mr. BOWO. hahaha.. he is so nice. friendly+good looking is what i meant by NICE. =)

I think I almost finish my Interior Design program at EI School. Today I have the PROMOTION AND ENTERPRENEURSHIP Class by Mr. Jun Cai. I like the way he teach us how to sell our products. No no no, he is not teaching actually. He just share his experiences with us. He is so creative in doing promotions and a WOW is what I described him into. He is a 46-married-man but he looks like “anak gaul yang bener-bener gaul and smart”. And i just know that DOCTORs and LAWYERs in Indonesia may not do any promotion such as put an advertisement. the papan nama that they hang in front of their working-building must be white in color and the text must be black in color.

The week before, I had the PERSONALITY Class by Mr. Kho Phei Yung aka TJ. He gave us a simple quiz to test our personality. The result of the test is, I am categorized into MELANCHOLIC – PLEGMATIC. I love everything to be perfect and I always plan my works before i start to work. For me, ada baiknya kalo dah tau apa personality kita. Jadi ceritanya personality itu dibagi atas 4 such as:
1. Sanguine aka Sanguinis
Org yg pembawaanya rame mulu contohnya aja para presenter di TV such as Olga and Okky Lukman.
2. Choleric aka Koleris
Org yg patut banget jadi leader and sure presiden mesti kudu harus termasuk didalam kategori ini.
3. Melancholic aka Melankolis
Org yg perfeksionis and want everything happened as planned. Nah ini dia orang orang yang sering banget stress and sakit.
4. Phlegmatic aka Plegmatis
Org yg serba slow motion and love peace banget deh. Contoh konkretnya adalah ADI SUDARMO. *please click his name*

Theoretically, designer itu mesti masuk ke kategori melankolis soalnya designer tuh mesti teliti, sabar and perfeksionis. But for me, everybody can be whatever he wants as long as he has the commitment. Nah, komitmen. Btw, apa seh itu artinya KOMITMEN. Banyak org yg ga ngerti arti kata ini. Dan kata ini sebenarnya sama dengan kata CINTA. Sesuatu yg susah utk dijelaskan tapi dia mutlak ada dan penting banget. Kalo menurut w, komitmen itu adlh sebuah bentuk janji, tanggung jawab dan niat. Komitmen akan mengubah semua yg dari kata Impossible menjadi Possible. Dan kata ini juga sama dengan kata cinta. Sama-sama dibutuhkan dalam sebuah relationship. Relationship yang sehat itu gak akan ada tanpa cinta n komitmen. Do you agree???

Then nurut w, ada baeknya juga kita mengerti sedikit ttg personality. Jadinya kita bisa beradaptasi dengan klien yang bakalan kita temuin nantinya. Cthnya, kalo kita ketemu ma klien yg Koleris, kita kudu mesti wajib berubah jadi org yg Melankolis and jangan pernah menjadi Plegmatis. Trus kalo untuk cari pasangan sehidup semati alias soulmate, org yg Melankolis akan sangat cocok dgn org yg Sanguinis. So, for the Sanguine-single-keren-guy, please raise up your hand…….

After class, I go to Tea Garden to have tea time with Adi and Seboi. Only the 3 of us, since Adi is slowly killed by the boredom. After tea timing, we go to Deli Plaza. Long long time ago since the last time we go there. Its one of my dating place with my ex few years ago. Im just like flashback to years before. but it’s a bit different now. The building is under construction and it has a Lapangan Futsal inside. The first time I visit the Lapangan Futsal. Hahaha. Nothing to do at Deli Plaza so we go to KEDAI CHOCOLATE to have our dinner. I ordered the King Lemon of Freeze. Ohhh….. it tasted very extremely good and unique.. =)

I reached home quite early today. Its before 10 coz i wanna watch RCTI. No need to ask what is on RCTI then. Of course there will be my avid, Yovie and Nuno. They are there with 3 songs. Bunga Jiwaku, Seperti Bintang (Menanti Jawabanmu) and Bunda (feat. Afgan, Alexa, Hijau Daun and J-Rocks)…

pemenang AMI AWARDS ke-12...

Friday, April 24, 2009

12th Anugerah Musik Indonesia 2009

well, sesuai dgn judulnya, jadi pake bahasa Indo aja d... tadi w barusan nonton Malam Puncak Anugerah Musik Indonesia 2009 di RCTI. trus temanya adalah "Musik Anak Negeri". hostnya adlh Laudya C. Bella yg selalu nampak cuakep cuakep cuakep, Olga Syahputra n Okky Lukman. for sure, w selalu senang ada acara beginian soalnya pastinya ada Yovie n Nuno. yupe... mereka masuk 7 nominasi dan tentunya mereka unggul di 2 kategori (loh... kok kek komentator?) such as:
  • Album Terbaik: THE SPECIAL ONE - Yovie Widianto & Jan D/Sony BMG
  • Produser Rekaman Terbaik: THE SPECIAL ONE - Yovie Widianto & Jan D/Sony BMG

trus kalo gak salah mereka juga ada perform 2 lagu soalnya w kan g nonton pas mereka perform. alasannya adalah, pertama papa w lage nonton n yg kedua, w nemenin temen w makan malam di warung seberang rumah. yah.. sedih juga seh g liat mereka perform. tp yg penting mereka menang deh.. =)

trus seperti diluar negeri juga, kl yg menang itu bakalan nae ke panggung buat ngambil piala and say some words. kl di luar negeri mah biasanya "I would like to thanks my Mom, bla3..." tp kalo semalam mah cowo diatas tuh ngomongnya beda n banyak yg bilang kalo dia tuh nyindir group band laen. mungkin iya juga seh... dia seh bilangnya "oh, ini masi Anugerah Musik Indonesia ya? kirain Anugerah Musik Melayu *ST12*" trus sekali lage dia naek ke panggung, dia bilang "semoga kita gak tergoda utk plagiat *d' Masiv*" yah... tentunya dengan nada yang agak sok. tp emang dia kan pantas n mampu utk se-sok itu. well, nurut w, g semua org itu bisa sukses utk ngubah bakat / hobby jadi duit duit duit alias uang. is it??

Thursday, April 23, 2009

good luck

Good Luck for ur exam tomorrow. Just get the highest score as u can. Learn what u hv to learn. Memorize what u hv to memorize. Fight fight fight... Im still here thought you dont see me.,. Im still here... Good luck n wish u all d best..


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

i miss...

finally, i can put something in my blog.. my connection is down for these few days.. huh.. i miss blogging, i miss my friends..

recently im in love with Benny&Mice. now im reading Lagak Jakarta - Edisi 1 Dekade. if today is my birthday n if u asked me what do i want as my birthday present, the only answer is "bukunya Benny&Mice... semuanya yah.. makasi.."

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I supposed to go to Mie Sop BLITAR today. But becoz I still have a little problem with my lovely tummy, I cancelled it. Then he said he wanna go to Binjai. WHAT!!! Its almost 6 when he arrived my home. What to do at Binjai then?? Then he suddenly said, “Titipapan loh…” wahhh…. I want! Then I call Adi (his home is there) and tell him that we will arrive in 15 minutes. I said I wanna give him Hello Kitty-portable-mobile-charger.

this is it, i steal the pic from

Hahaha.. then at his home, I show him how to use it. Its so easy to use and useful. Just put in an AA battery into the charger and we can charge our mobile phone anytime anywhere. It can be used for Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Blackberry, and 1 more I dunno what type is that. It’s really useful and doesn’t cost much. At least not more than Rp. 50.000,-

Ohya, talking about Blackberry, yesterday I heard that a Balinese girl who studied at Jakarta died when she is playing her BB. She is driving in the highway and carelessly crushed the superbig truck. So pity… I really suggest everyone, please do not use your mobile phone when you are driving!!! Its really unsafe. Then I have another story bout BB fever, but this is funny story. My boss got a guest from Jakarta. He is our Distributor Area Manager. He has to go back to Jakarta this noon and he asked me to buy him bolu gulung MERANTI. He give me the to-buy-list. I read it one by one and I really LOL! He wrote: 3 BLACKBERRY, 2 keju, 3 nenas, 2 bika ambon…

Go back to my very first story. While I was showing Adi how to use the charger, Seboi suddenly said “Belawan yok….” Ahhh… great idea!!! Hahaha. So the 3 of us (me, Adi and Seboi) go to Belawan. *Adjo doesnt join us coz he go to somewhereelse with his friends* Its not really far from Adi’s house. This time we really have a story of LOST IN BELAWAN. yap, the real LOST i mean. hahaha.  we are planning to have dinner at MARINA restaurant. We asked lots of people before we reached there. We asked Tukang Jual Solar liter-an, Orang Mabuk, Tukang Sate, dll dsb. We also get into kampung-kampung filled with lots of “orang-orang aneh”. My heart beats so fast. deg deg deg deg deg deg deg and deg...

Finally we find the restaurant we mean! after we keliling-keliling and get lost for some minutes. we order the delicious yet expensive menu. yes, Marina is famous with the taste and the PRICE. we have the soup, prawn, Fu Yung Hai with big big mushrooms and jellyfish. yummy... 

this is what the 3 of us eat and pay! just click the pic to get it bigger...

Last but not least, is there is a question for: Belawan vs Binjai, i vote for BINJAI of course. =)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to u.....

Im freeeeeeee…. Yihaaaa… today is the last day of my final exam. And everybody agree that my Campus is SAVING THE BEST FOR THE LAST.. I can only answer a question correctly, out of 3 questions. The minimum score I must get is 50% of the total score. Huh… its like gambling with Rp. 600.000,- *if I fail, I have to join short course and it costs Rp. 600.000,- per subject* =.=
Well, forget about it. Im free now. Hahaha… final test really make me sick. Yes, the real sick i mean. I have problem with my “period” this month. Its 2 days ago and i asked for a permission from my Boss at noon. I cant eat anything till night. I have no appetite and it caused me masuk angin. Huh… a really hard time for me. I vomited everything in my tummy and of course i cant sleep. nightmare all night long. The following day I didn’t go to office. I feel so dizzy so I stay at home all day long and study. I then promise myself, I will have my meals very properly. I promise!
Btw, happy birthday to YOU… yes, YOU… happy mmm… u are born in 1987 so it must be happy 22nd birthday right. Hahaha. I never forget ur birthday. I know u don’t care, u never care and u don’t want to care. Just wanna wish u a great happy birthday with ur fellas at Singapore… =)

Monday, April 13, 2009


ooohhh... abis makan, laper... sebelum makan, laper juga... mending ga usah makan aja ya? uuh... ini pasti ulahnya Mie Sop Blitar. it filled my head when im doing my final test just now... this Saturday i must have it. MUST MUST MUST! wanna go with me? =)

stop thinking bout it.. i have to take a bath now n start my International Business. my lecturer said that, the business which is done in another country is called International Business. its the only statement that i memorized from the whole text book. 6 chapters to go and its 10.21 PM already. really, please wish me luck again......

Sunday, April 12, 2009


uuuhhhh.... now i've understood why para konsultan pajak isa jadi orang yang sangat amat ber-duit sekali. the main reason is, TAXATION IS COMPLICATED... tomorrow i will have it for final test. sure i wont have a nice sleep tonight. actually not only for tonight. it will be continued until Thursday night. aaahhh... wish me luck for my final test 13th - 17th April 2009. im not that lazy to study but i never have enough time. no enough time to study, but i have a lot of time to update my blog. hahahahaha...


wish me luck, i will wish u too... =)

Saturday, April 11, 2009


i adore honesty though it sometimes do hurt me so much...

i know you are trying to explain...

give me some time to re-think bout everything...

i am disappointed with you...

its really hard for me to find a faith in you...

but sure, no regret at all...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Shinjuku Incident

i didnt go to lilys home for belajar sebelum final. lilys has other things to do. so me and Adi go to Sun Plaza. he wanna buy sarung buat BB-nya. i suggest him to pick either orange or purple. but he take white. uuuhhh... i suddenly, not suddenly but im thinking to buy white Nokia E71 then i will have the purple sarung silikon. sure it will look very gorgeous. *like the owner..hehehehe..*


stop daydreaming about my future phone, and lets continue with my story. its 17.25 when Seboi suddenly call me and said that he and Alain Lee got the wrong cinema tickets. they must have the 17.10 one but they bought the 19.30 one. what a coincidence! so we buy 2 more 19.30 tickets for me and Adi. we are watching SHINJUKU INCIDENT. i heard that the movie has been banned in China for being too violent. yeay, its really ngeri when Jie's (Daniel Wu) right hand is being chopped.

PS. Congrats to my girl, Epe Yu for her new job. hope u'll enjoy it and earn lots of money. then by me the E71. hahahahahaha...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

vote vote vote

do you know Chai Pau Kue? yeap.. i make it this morning. my papa's younger sister aka 3ku teach me to pau the chai into the kue.. quite complicated and those 2 most-wierdos are mine. hahaha. i even dont dare to eat them. 

i do vote today. im proud of myself, at least i do something that might make Indonesia to be better than before. hope i dont make a wrong decision in voting this morning. i go to TPS aka Tempat Pemungutan Suara at 11.30 just half an hour before it close. there are 4 papers that must be check-listed aka contreng. and each paper's size is really big. what a good way of wasting paper. huh..

i have Mie Sop Blitar @ Cemara with Seboi. i accompanied him for the lunch and he accompanied me for the Great Temple @ Cemara. after that, i go to his house for his papa's Tomato Juice and wait for Adi. we are going to Lilys' house to have final test preparation. he always bully me by "inviting" me to his house to meet his papa. then he will leave me alone with the TV and he will do dunno-what upstairs. hey, you dont know how nervous i am??? huh...

it sounds great, FINAL TEST PREPARATION. first we really concentrate on our papers in front of us. an hour passed and the laziness come to visit us. we left our papers for chatting and Pancake Durian from Homemade. suddenly Lilys suggest us to have dinner at Bangkatan, Binjai. but its too late already. so we putar haluan to WARUNG IJO @ Dr. Mansyur. and a minute before we enter the Warung Ijo, we putar haluan again to KEDAI CHOCOLATE, just beside Warung Ijo. ohya, we are Me, Adi, Min-Min, Lilys and Jeffry. Seboi has his own friends and doesnt wanna join us. i beg he will be regret! hahahahahaha... we ordered alot. Chicken Basket, Pisang Keju, Nasi Goreng Ikan Teri, Kebab Spaghetti Chicken, Nasi Goreng Special Kedai Chocolate and the best is Ifu Mie Siram Ayam. yummmyyy... and i have a great Cold Strawberry Chocolate as the beverage... it tastes 9 out of 10.

A kiss without a hug is like a flower without the fragrance and i have had my own flower with fragrance from my lover...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Sumarjono Anduk..

happy 21st birthday for our beloved Sumarjono aka Adjo aka Adjo Anduk. may all off ur dreams come true and be blessed... =)


i do love INDONESIA and i am going to VOTE @ 9th April 2009. how bout you?

Monday, April 6, 2009


here are some photoshots by Siswi Leo and her teacher, Roni Krisnawan... *click their name to view their FB profile*


i do love INDONESIA and i am going to VOTE @ 9th April 2009. how bout you?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

SMS ~ Suka Ma Suka

i suddenly realized something. only a minute before i write today's post. recently, what i am doing before i close my eyes every night and the first thing i do every morning when i wake up is just the same. SMS. it become 1 of my mustdothing everyday. i believe that when "it" ends, everything will be so hell for me. hope it wont end in these few days, weeks or months...

i have a photo session today. a big WOW... sounds that i am Isabella, the super photo model in town. hahahaha. my tacie n 2cie's friend (now become my friend also), Siswi Leo, has her photography class this morning at Merdeka Walk dan sekitarnya. she need a model so she texted my 2cie few days ago. my 2cie ask me if i want to join them. i do want! hahaha.

when me and 2cie arrived Merdeka Walk at 11 noon, we both was shocked! first we thought that there will be only 2 photographers, Siswi cc and her teacher. but there are about 5 or 6 other  photographers with their own camera keren yet mahal n berat. the very first pic is taken in front of TOKO SENI *thanks to the owner* and continue to Jln. Mesjid, Jl. Kepribadian and of course LonSum. i wanna see the results soon. hope they will tag me at facebook soon!

as usual, i always have my ID class every Sunday till 5. after class he bring me to Binjai. he told me that he wanna go with me. i dont really know his reason but i think i dont really need a reason to accompany him, right? since we are bestfriends for more than 4 years. my family knows him well. so no worry, he wont kidnap me. hahaha. we watch SMS ~ Suka Ma Suka, a film by Bella, Teuku Wisnu and Rezky Aditya. Bella is so beautiful as usual. then we have dinner at FYH fave cafe, GARDENIA

i thought something "sweet" will happen today. but nothing happened. i am so sorry i still have this feeling. i have no idea when i can eliminate it. hope that the "when" is coming soon. once again, im sorry...


i do love INDONESIA and i am going to VOTE @ 9th April 2009. how bout you?

Saturday, April 4, 2009


"my final test is coming soon.." seems that i repeated this sentence thousand times already. im afraid of it. ah, i always afraid of it. im having a big burden of it. the final test result is not for me. but i present my results for my beloved parents. i did promise them a WOW certificate + title + 4 kak bo. okhay, i will study smart, not study hard..


i do love INDONESIA and i am going to VOTE @ 9th April 2009. how bout you?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

happy bad luck day

happy bad luck day for the supercarelessgirl... everybody is angry with you... +.+


i do love INDONESIA and i am going to VOTE @ 9th April 2009. how bout you?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

april fool...

What happened to people around me??? My friends, my brother, my sister,my cousins, my boss, my relatives, my Dikta. Everybody is moving from FRIENDSTER to FACEBOOK. Everybody is changing his/her mobile phone to smart phone, BLACKBERRY. Everybody is getting married soon.. Oh... What happened?
Yes, i do move to Facebook also. It is just becoz everybody moved. It is impossible if im still with my beloved FS. I can do nothing if im there alone, rite? im not that interested with FB like most
of my friend. too many features there and i always got useless invitations for useless things... 
Im not going to buy that smart phone also. At least in this month, i wont!! Why?? Simple answer. Its too expensive for me. Online 24 hours a day for Rp. 5.000,- only? I also can do it with my not-so-smart-phone, freely. My home, my office, my campus are the free WiFi zone. I am comfortable enough in using my phone. As long as I can use it smartly, it will be my smart phone as well.
And recently i hear these sentences everywhere. Im getting married soon. My wedding is next year. Which bridal is better? uuh.... When is my turn then??



i do love INDONESIA and i am going to VOTE @ 9th April 2009. how bout you?


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