Merry Christmas to everybody...
today might be a very special day for many people out there except me...
nothing is special so i woke up at 12 and took a bath 6 hours later... =)
spend today by browsing, chatting, sleeping, eating and watching television...
what i watched just now:
1. a film by Ben Joshua n Bunga Zaenal ~ Xmas-sad ending story
2. infotainment(s) ~ how celebrities spend their Xmas
3. Zathura ~ a not-really-interesting movie
4. Cinta Silver ~ happy ending story
this is another Indonesian-nice-movie... starring: Luna Maya, Restu Sinaga, Catherine Wilson, Christian Sugiono. the story is simple. its about a 35 years-single man who is so addicted with his carreer which effected his love live. 75% of the screen is taken in BALI (read: my heaven on earth). i got a nice quote from Chrsitian Sugiono: "Yang paling perih saat kita sendiri bukan pas kita lagi sedih.. tapi pas kita lagi tertawa senang, gak ada yang bisa kita ajak tertawa bersama..."
well, nothing to say bout this movie except, "hey, you must see this movie.. =)"