Thursday, March 19, 2009

Durian Day

Epe suddenly in love with DURIAN. tonight i dont have class coz my teacher is having his vacation. so we (me, Adi, Seboi n Epe) go to Homemade @ Multatuli to have Pancake Durian and Gardenia @ Dr. Mansyur to have Tempura Durian. unfortunately, i cant eat any. im not very well yet. =(

Dear my friend..

wish we can be friend forever. truly speaking, you are 1 of my bestfriends that i have ever had. i love to be your friend. just F.R.I.E.N.D, not more than that.we have lots of differences and differences never make things perfect. hope you can really understand me. thanks for being there for me everytime i need you. do you still remember how you accompanied me 2.5 years ago when i really have to face that broken heart? hope you can find someone better than me. im not the one you need, friend...


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