Tuesday, March 31, 2009

no title

i want to say something but i have no idea how to represent it into words.. everything is just so sweet. no regret for what has happened rite? thanks and i am happy... =)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

cheng beng

today is my cheng beng day at Pantai Cermin. i hardly wake up at 5 in the morning. i got a super big panda-eye for sure. we moved from home at about 5.45 in the pagi-pagi buta and finished everything there at 9 in the morning. after that we go to Bengkel-Serdang Bedagai for some dodol. then we have our lunch at Yong Tin, Bebek Panggang - Lubuk Pakam. yummy yummy yummy... sssllluurrrpppp...

i dont really understand why it is called CHENG BENG. here are some of my opinions about cheng beng:

  • visiting our ancestor's tombs to clean them, pray and put some ritual offerings.
  • is held every year between 25/26 March till 14/15 April which is 10 days before and after 4/5 April.
  • is a high season for travelling-related-companies. prices for airlines tickets and hotels will be increased.
  • almost everybody is about to go back to his/her kampung halaman so this is usually known as reunion events.
  • the only day in a year when i must wake up very early in the morning, except the morning-flight day.
  • the day when i will really get burnt by teriknya matahari and sweat a lot.
  • i can eat Bebek Panggang at Lubuk Pakam.
  • meet lots of cousins from berbagai penjuru dunia.

Deep condolences for the victims at Situ Gintung...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Epe left Medan...

i go to Homemade @ Kompleks Multatuli after work. its our fav cafe for tea time. 2cie ordered Mie Sop + Teh Tarik. 3cie ordered Bakso Kosong + Juice Kedondong. I ordered Sagu Ubi + Pancake Durian + Teh Pahit Dingin. i recently in love with Teh Pahit Dingin. the taste is so original and suit all food. i looked around and there are 2 ladies + 1 man eating Sate Padang. i thought there is a new menu available. so i asked the waiter, "Bang, itu yang dimakan ama mereka Sate Padang ya?" then the waiter said, "Oh, itu Boss kita. mereka lagi test food. mbak mau? kalau mau, biar saya tanyakan.." me said, "oh, lage test food ya? ah... gak d bang, malu..." then he go and few minutes later he come back to me and said, "Mbak mau satenya? kata boss bisa dipesan.." then me replied, "Oh, bisa ya? kalo gitu mau donk..1 porsi aja.. makasi.." aha... i got the Sate Padang for free. oopss... not 100% free actually. i have to give comment on it. the sauce is a bit too salty and the sate gosong tastes like rubber. but the lontong is great. we thanks the Boss for the free Sate Padang and she thanks us for trying and giving comment on the Sate Padang. she said she will revise the receipe a bit and we are welcomed to taste again... ahh.. so nice then.. 

after Homemade, we go to Tiptop to get a birthday cake for my brother. we planned to have the Clover's cake but we dont have enough time to go there. then there is a lil incident at Tiptop. i broke my 2cie's umbrella. im so careless and sorry for that. i usually take the umbrella to campus. coz students are not allowed to park at the indoor parking area anymore. i hate rain and i wont get wet becoz of it for sure. her umbrella is small and looks nice. hhhmmmpp... i broke it and i think i have to look for the new one. is there any purple-nice-small-umbrella available? i want 2. if i broke it, i still have another one...

today Epe leaves Medan. the flight is about 8.15pm. Me, Adi and Seboi reached airport around 7.45pm. *note: Adjo has another occasion with dunnowho* miracle, Epe doesnt cry today. good girl! hahahaha. actually its me who almost dropped some tears. when her friends, Arief and Erko *dunno how to spell their name* come out to acoompany her upstairs, that feeling come out.  i feel lonely suddenly. becoz i have to wait for at least another 1 year to have the complete FYH family with me again. gonna miss the time we have together. and for me there will be no more every-Saturday-and-Sunday-hangout. well, im ready to get rusty in my home sweet home again... ah, i love u friends...


ps. look at me and epe's new hairstyle

then Me, Adi and Seboi have Surabi *again* for our dinner. Jagung Bakar, Pisang Bakar, Batagor, Indomie Goreng Telur and Teh Pahit Dingin. the new menu for us is the BATAGOR. i'm sure i will have it again next time.. after dinner, our beloved Mr. Adi Sudarmo dropped me and Mr. Seboi at Sun Plaza. we are watching Dragon Ball Evolution. my 3cie's friends asked her to buy 2 more tickets but then they cancel it. so my 3cie asked Seboi to join them. they are 3cie, her bf, her bf's sister and my 2cie. *note again: its really my 3cie, who asked Seboi to join!!* no regret to join them. i give 9 out of 10 for the movie. a lil secret bout this movie, it makes me cry. hahaha. when Gohan is being killed by Picolo *tanpa disadari, w sering bilang Picalo. oh NO!!* and when Mr. Roshi is being killed by Oozaru. so touching... hiks... this movie almost perfecto. almost means not yet. because i am late for the movie and my suara batuk + suara plastik kresek are so annoying.. uuh... but but but, according to me, GOKU is much more handsome than EDWARD CULLEN. please check this out if you dont believe me. but please believe me. hahaha.

click the pic to zoom in! so its easier to see how handsome he is..

Yamcha - Roshi - chau lang - GOKU - Bulma - Chi Chi

aha... i have to go to bed now. its almost 2 am and i must get up 5 am. im going to chengbeng with mama n papa. for sure, they will give me a big big big KAME-HAME-HA if i cant wake up. ohya, i didnt swith off any lampu just now. coz im at airport. i dont participate the STOP GLOBAL WARMING thing but i hope you do... =)

"Future always change" Roshi aka Kakek Kura-Kura

my brother's birthday

the one with glasses is the birthday boy...

do i look like my bro?some of my friends say so. but i dont think so. why? coz im beautiful and he is handsome. =)

well, i wish you happy birthday, Ko...

  • may all of your dreams come true
  • earn lots of money *and treats me*
  • marry a gorgeous lady *you are not a 17th little kid anymore*
  • this i what we present for you ko...

i got this email few days ago and i just read it and i really concern bout it. how bout you? 

"Teman2, mari kita bergabung dengan 1 milyar org di seluruh dunia untuk sejenak saja mematikan lampu. Hari sabtu 28 Maret ini, matikanlah lampu dr jam 20.30-21.30 WIB. Dengan pengorbanan sekecil ini saja kita sudah dapat menyelamatkan 284 pohon, menyalakan listrik di 90 desa dan jg menambah oksigen kita. Mulailah perduli terhadap bumi kita sebelum terlambat... Stop Global Warming!!"

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Burfday my dear Epe...

Happy sweet 21 for my girl, Evelyn Yu aka Epe Portobello and here are 21 sweet things bout her..
  1. She is born at this date 21 years before.
  2. She is one of the FYH members.
  3. The most fashionable among FYH family.
  4. She loves to shop, travel and ngafe.
  5. Moody is her middle name. never disturb her when she is down.
  6. She has a great lovely Mama.
  7. Her boyfriend, Elwin Yohan, loves this number.
  8. But she prefer this.
  9. She likes to be captured.
  10. Last month she has some photo sessions with Juvenco and the team.
  11. Click here to see the pics.
  12. Hope she can find a great job at Singapore. soon!
  13. Recently her wardrobe is fulled by Black, Grey and White clothings.
  14. She always has great idea and sometimes its to GREAT to be true.
  15. Watching Korean n Taiwan movies series will help her to kill boredom.
  16. Smile always can make her looked cute.
  17. Bags, skirts, pants, jeans, tees, accessories, photos in frames, dolls, flowers are in her room.
  18. She likes durian.
  19. She will fight for what she want.
  20. She will leave Medan to Singapore by 28th March 2009.
  21. And i wish her a great happy birthday.....

He come to my dream last night and please dont make me in love with him again. he belongs to others...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hari Raya Nyepi 2009

Nyepi is the Balinese Day of Silence. Everybody must stay in silence, do the fasting and meditation. Nobody is allowed to go out from the house, switch on any light or fire, turn on TV, radio, MP3, Mp4 or anything else that may disturb others. then there will be Pecalangs (traditional Balinese security man) who controls and checks the street security and stop any activity that disturb Nyepi. whoever caught by these men will be punished! for sure, Bali will be very very very quiet and sepi. people always say "Dont go to Bali at 26 March!" but i really want to go there. it must be fun. aaahhh... again, i say I MISS BALI and i wont stop saying that 3 words...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hari Air Sedunia

i dont like the way Mama judge me just now! im not what she thinks..

... Try to step your foot into others' shoe and problems will be less complicated...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

sore throat

ahhh... i wanna grey polo shirt also!

yeay... he (off course with Yovie and Nuno) perform at Bukan Empat Mata tonight. im glad to see them again. they come with Cerita Damai from their very 1st album. i really want that album. i've search it everywhere but i cant find it.. please contact me if you find it! 

Election Day is coming soon, less than a month and amazingly, i just knew that this year we dont need to "COBLOS" the one we would like to elect but we have to "CONTRENG" them with a pen. then there will be 4 extra large papers *like a map* that we must contreng. truly speaking, i dunno anybody inside the papers except SBY, Megawati and Yusuf Kalla. i know nothing about them, so how can i choose then? what is their vision, mission and goals? but who cares? here is INDONESIA nothing to bother as long as you come to TPS and choose someone. its enough...

ok, just forget about that useless *not uselees actually but who cares?* things. i found these funny pics... hahahahaha... and i love it... =)

my boy is so adorable, isnt he?

aihhh... i got sore throat..

ps. next Saturday may i go to that green house again??? yes im sleepy but its fun... =)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Durian Day

Epe suddenly in love with DURIAN. tonight i dont have class coz my teacher is having his vacation. so we (me, Adi, Seboi n Epe) go to Homemade @ Multatuli to have Pancake Durian and Gardenia @ Dr. Mansyur to have Tempura Durian. unfortunately, i cant eat any. im not very well yet. =(

Dear my friend..

wish we can be friend forever. truly speaking, you are 1 of my bestfriends that i have ever had. i love to be your friend. just F.R.I.E.N.D, not more than that.we have lots of differences and differences never make things perfect. hope you can really understand me. thanks for being there for me everytime i need you. do you still remember how you accompanied me 2.5 years ago when i really have to face that broken heart? hope you can find someone better than me. im not the one you need, friend...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


i got fever and no class for today...
he come to visit me...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

lost in Bangkatan

i have breakfast at Babura with Epe and Seboi. i can hardly woke up just now coz i went to bed at 4 this morning. because of dilemma dilemma dilemma and dilemma. huh... then i skipped my interior class today. *sssttt... please dont tell my Mom n Dad* i have no mood to study. i go to Epe's sambil waiting for Adi, Adjo and Seboi. they are playing futsal.

we go to Binjai again today. its me who drive there. oh im so happy. the first time i can drive that far. hahaha. quite proud of myself then... =) we watch SUMPAH INI POCONG, another Indonesia's horror-semi porn-comedi-movie. 4 from 10 for this movie...

we have dinner at BANGKATAN. this is the very first time we go there and of course not for the last. we try and share new things there. Ifu Mie Binjai, Es Jelly, Martabak, Sate Padang, Nasi Sayur + semur ayam, Kodok Goreng *but only for Epe and Adi* + very LARGE portion of Juice. the glasses they use are so big. we  got new name for Epe, BAK YU PHOK! wakakakaka... oh so fine day is today.... =)
im so happy, Yovie and Nuno won the Class Music Heroes - the musician that TALK LESS DO MORE. yes, they almost never appear at infotainments but they often got rewards. love them muach muach muach... ^^

Saturday, March 14, 2009

white day

dunno why people call today as WHITE DAY. is there any history behind, just like V-day or it is made by flower shop's owner so that they can gain more profit twice a year. and see what i got from the flower shop's victim.. hahaha.. thx anyway.. =)i really wish to have a camera so i can have a better result...

i spent my W-day with FYH (adi, adjo, seboi and epe). we have dinner at Gardenia and on the way home we stop and buy Roti Bakar Bandung. Epe really want it and she keeps asking us "dimana ada jual Roti Bakar Bandung??"

now my 2cie is spending her holiday at BALI, my heaven on earth. and for sure, i really envy when i see her pics at Facebook. i tagged myself on some of her pictures and i leave lots of comments. below are the pictures that i really really really.... uuh... dunno what to say *evil eyed* and i promise myself, tomorrow i will find a celengan and start to save money. next year, i will go there with her. no no no, i must go there(!) so just say no to shopping, say no to nombok, say no to nongkrong-nongkrong ga jelas...

last year, im one of the models of the 2 photos above...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

its Thursday double delivery

Aha... Double delivery for today.. =) morning and afternoon delivery. Thx yoh..

Thursday... Recently i like Thursday. I got "something" to do every Thursday. It was raining quite heavy just now. So we have to stay at the green-house for a while because i dont like raining and i wont get wet because of it!!! Online and chit chat there to kill the boredom and grogi... hahahaha...

Note for "Asiong" yg lage ngedate: Coy... Itu lampu merah.. Jgn maen terobos aja.. Ngeri tau... Huh...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

my handwritting

my handwritting is so bad. i wish to have a better one. maybe im a bit late to realize. but its better late than never right? =) i remember a story of 2 months ago. my BOSS looked at my handwritting and she suddenly + surprisingly said "Bella a... ancua lu e ji kok e ane geli e? ckckckckck..."  T.T
if u dont see the star, it doesnt mean that there isnt any star...
if u dont see me, it doesnt mean that im not there for u...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Kambing Jantan

yesterday i sleptover at my Tacie's. so this morning before she bring me home, we stop at Gramedia Gajah Mada. she buy some books for ibu hamil. yeap... this is her 4th month of being ibu hamil. =) we also buy some Dunkin' Donuts. many people switched from Dunkin to J.Co. i wonder if they switch because of the taste, the price or the prestige???

i go to Binjai Supermall for the first time with Seboi, Adi and Adjo. Epe cant join us coz she has family gathering. i go there because i feel so bored at Medan and wanna try something new. first thing first, we go to Gramedia because i see an adverstisment of LOST in BALI by Benny&Mice infront of Gramedia. i buy the book and then i see another bestseller book, KAMBING JANTAN by Raditya Dika. suddenly i think, why not we just watch the movie instead of reading the book. the 4 of us rush to the Cinema and thanks GOD(!) the tickets still avaiable for us. =) the cinema there is so comfortable. i do like it. its still new, clean and cheap for sure! only Rp. 15.000,- on weekends and holidays and Rp. 12.500,- for weekdays. Binjai Supermall, i'll be back very soon. =)

after the movie, we go to THE TOAST for the first time also. its at Jl. Kpt. Muslim. i often see it but i never eat there. the environment is similar with Gardenia but they have live band here. and truly speaking, its so annoying. ahhh... i suddenly miss BALI. my 2cie is there now. *jealous mode ON* but dont worry Bali, im coming very soon... =)

well, i love today for the new things. new shirts, new belt, new bag, new pants and new places for today. here are some photos for today. enjoy...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

new T-Shirt

i wanna that T-shirts with funny funny words n pictures. yeap, im addicted with T-shirt + Jeans. i always think that im so lame, not fashionable (like Vans, Dado esp. Epe) but he keeps telling me that im OK with Tee n Jeans. *Thanks coy... ^^* i saw the shirts @ Sun Plaza just now. i go there with Epe & Adi. Adjo & Seboi are so busy with their friends. so only the 3 of us. we have dinner at Sushi Tei. Epe buy her father new sport shoes for his birthday. i buy a Kuromi's gantungan mobil for White Day. no, im NOT giving it to someone special. me and my classmates will do the tukar kado thing at 13th March. *because we dont have class at 14th* 

today is just so sweet. =) Breakfast-Purple-White. my BOSS' house. about Mr. Perfect. about my brother. hahaha... im sleeping with my smile tonight... =)

Hope that Epe's Grandpa get well soon... =)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

my new hairstyle

i dont like my poni so i cropped it!

i just have my new hairsytle at Qatar Salon by bang BOWO n bang Fajar. this is my first time there and they are just so friendly. im sure i will go there again. haha. bang BOWO said "ntar kalo ada waktu, kesini lagi ya... aku pengen liat rambutnya.. mana tau ada yg mau diperbaiki.." a big OK then! teknik marketing yang sangat ampuh menarik pelanggan. i like my new hair especially the color (read: dark PURPLE) though i think its too short. but never mind. it will be so long very soon... no no no.. im not brokenheart-ing. i just wanna something new for me... =)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

i got a secret admire..

suddenly i received a message. i quickly read it. its from XL Customer Service. it is stated "Isi ulang Rp. (xx.xxx) berhasil. Kode transaksi bla bla bla..." i was surprised coz i didnt ask my sis to reload my phone number.

oh oh oh... im so lucky... yuan lai my "secret admire" wrongly type the phone number. actually he wanna reload for himself but he typed mine. hahahaha... im so lucky to have u as my friend.. =) 

please guess who is my "secret admire"... LOL!!! but i think i wont got it freely. i must pay him coz he is so pelit... *refers to my post of 15 Feb 2009

Happy 21st Birthday, Dado

21 things i know about this girl, Dado:
  1. The only daughter of Mr. n Mrs. Hutomo
  2. She only has an older brother named Darius Hutomo
  3. She is now studying @ Melbourne
  4. She wishes to graduate soon, just the same with me
  5. 05 March 1988 is her born date
  6. She used to be so so so lugu
  7. Her 7 friends *Adi, Adjo, Seboi, Win, Epe, Vans and me* love to bully her
  8. She has a pair of extremely skinny legs
  9. She just has her haircut by Mr. Bowok, her fav hairstylist
  10. In a day she never drink more than 10 cups of water, one of her bad habits
  11. Her full name consists of 11 leters, DARIA HUTOMO
  12. She likes Tim Tam lots
  13. She doesnt like vegetables
  14. And she never wanna eat banana papaya, unless terpaksa
  15. She never talk lots and loud, quite feminim
  16. She loves serial movies esp. the Korea n Taiwan
  17. She like to jajan at Pasar Rame with her beloved chincia, Mei Ling *read Meling*
  18. She likes pyjamas party with the other 3 Sicimoi *Me, Vans n Epe*
  19. Ohya, she doesnt like pork
  20. Overall, she is cute n extremely sweet-tempered
  21. And today is her 21st birthday.. just the same with Sukante

ps. im wishing her a great birthday... ^^

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

another morning delivery..

another morning delivery... =) it tastes better than the pic of course... thx.. ^^
ps. if you wanna smile when you are eating, please try this! it really works...

Monday, March 2, 2009

its raining now...

what do u think bout me and my hubbie? hahahaha...

im blank now. nothing to say, nothing to shout, nothing to post, nothing to see, nothing to listen. but there is something make me read and smile... oh God.... please help me... what happened to me?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

i am OK... i am not truly speaking....

Life is short... Break the rules...

Forgive quickly... Kiss slowly...

Love truly... Laugh uncontrollably...

And never regret anything that made you smile..


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