Sunday, January 31, 2010

end of January 2010

tomorrow will be February, which people says that it is the month of LOVE. in February there is a day named Valentine's Day. people especially teens will feel very very excited on that day. it is the day of LOVE, ROSES, CHOCOLATES, CANDLE LIGHT DINNER and absolutely what is called ROMANTIC. i used to be one of those excited teens when im still in high school. but i am not anymore. Valentine is so similar with nightmare for me...
ps. i have had my hair cut... =)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

broken heart is su*ksss..

yuhhhuuuu... So many days without blogging.. Not so many actually. Hahaha. Yeap.. So many things happened and people changed!

I have my besties here in Medan & for sure we have so many happy hangouts. So many laugh and stories as well..

& i am still waiting for new classes.. I need it badly!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

a ladies dinner

Having a ladies dinner with my sis and her friends..
They are just so nice and fun
We have a hundred photos today
Try the new resto in Cambridge and two thumbs up for it
Before that, i went to my aunty's n help her to make chocolate cookies for Chinese New Year. Im not good enough in baking. =(

By the way, i have done 2 interviews few days ago and im waiting for my new classes. & of course the salary. =) i applied for Math and English - night shift - teacher. Wish me luck...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

good luck dude...

Dear Sherlock Holmes,
You are so nice and brilliant!

avocado girl

Friday, January 15, 2010


it attack me right now...
its almost 2 am...
disappointed, upset, ego, courious, longing, desire...
waiting, shame, afraid, lonely, confused, panic...
everything is mixed inside my brain & soul...

p.s. i want SherlockHolmes & new hair style

Thursday, January 14, 2010


"God, please bless my thesis proposal convention tomorrow.."

I will be so nervous to talk in front of dunno-who-are-they...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

am i wrong?

im just staying alone at home all day long
woke up at 12 coz insomnia came and attacked me last night
feeling not well and no appetite at all
i fended for myself in my room and finish Yakuza Moon
two thumbs up for Shoko Tendo, the author
& yes, below is her permanent tattoo on her whole body


Friday, January 1, 2010

welcome 2010

i havent had any plan for this year unless to save more money. i've spent all of my money for vacation last year. and i promise myself to think 1000x before i take out my wallet and waste my money. save save save and save. say no to shopping and money wasting!


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